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postgresql92-dblink Dblink module for remote database connections
postgresql92-docs PostgreSQL database documentation
postgresql92-fuzzystrmatch PostgreSQL fuzzystrmatch contribution
postgresql92-monitoring PostgreSQL monitoring tools
postgresql92-pgcrypto Module providing cryptographic functions for PostgreSQL
postgresql92-plperl PL/Perl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql92-plpython PL/Python procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql92-pltcl PL/Tcl procedural language for the PostgreSQL backend
postgresql92-replicationtools PostgreSQL replication tools
postgresql92-server PostgreSQL database server programs
postgresql92-upgrade PostgreSQL binary upgrade tool
pxtools Paradox database export/info utilities
py-bdb-xml Python wrapper for Berkeley DB XML C++ API
py-bsddb3 Python extension module for Berkeley DB 4
py-cassa Python client library for Cassandra
py-cdb cdb python extension module
py-ckanclient Open-source data portal software
py-cx_Oracle Oracle binding for Python
py-datapkg Tool for distributing, discovering, and installing data packages
py-elixir Elixir is a declarative layer on top of the SQLAlchemy library
py-gdbm Python interface to gdbm - GNU database manager
py-ldap LDAP client API for Python
py-metakit Embedded database library
py-mssql Python interface to MS SQL
py-mysqldb MySQL interface for Python
py-pgnotify Python interface to PostgreSQL LISTEN/NOTIFY
py-PgSQL Python DB-API 2.0 compliant interface to PostgreSQL
py-postgresql Python interface to PostgreSQL
py-psycopg2 PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
py-sqlalchemy Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
py-sqlalchemy-migrate Schema migration tool for SQLAlchemy
py-sqlite SQLite database adapter for Python
py-sqlite2 SQLite database adapter for Python
py-sqlite3 Built-in sqlite support for Python 2.5 and up
py-sybase Sybase interface for Python using FreeTDS
py-table Python RDBMS wrapper for various databases
py-tokyocabinet Python wrapper to tokyocabinet database
qdbm Quick Database Manager - library of routines for managing a db
qdbm-cgi CGI scripts of QDBM
qdbm-plus C++ API for QDBM
quicklist Simple database like AppleWorks & MS Works
R-DAAG (V) Example data sets and functions implemented in R
R-GRASS (V) Interface between GRASS 5.0 geographical information system and R
R-ISwR (V) Data sets and scripts for 'Introductory Statistics with R'
R-PHYLOGR (V) Manipulation of phylogenetically simulated data sets using GLS
rdb Relational database system that uses standard filters via pipes
rrdtool Data analysis tool generating graphical representations
rrdtool12 Data analysis tool generating graphical representations
ruby-activeldap Object oriented interface to LDAP
ruby-activerecord-cassandra ActiveRecord Cassandra adapter
ruby-activerecord-odbc ActiveRecord ODBC adapter
ruby-activerecord32 Object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails 3.2)
ruby-arel Arel is a SQL AST manager for Ruby
ruby-cassandra Ruby extension for Cassandra
ruby-data_objects DataObjects basic API and shared driver specifications
ruby-datamapper Object/Relational Mapper for Ruby
ruby-dbd-mysql MySQL support for Ruby/DBI
ruby-dbd-odbc ODBC support for Ruby/DBI
ruby-dbd-pg PostgreSQL support for Ruby/DBI
ruby-dbd-sqlite SQLite support for Ruby/DBI
ruby-dbd-sqlite3 SQLite version 3 support for Ruby/DBI
ruby-dbi Database independent interface for Ruby
ruby-dm-active_model active_model compliance for datamapper
ruby-dm-adjust DataMapper plugin to increment and decrement properties
ruby-dm-aggregates DataMapper plugin for aggregates on collections
ruby-dm-ar-finders DataMapper plugin providing ActiveRecord-style finders
ruby-dm-cli DataMapper plugin allowing interaction with models through a CLI
ruby-dm-constraints DataMapper plugin constraining relationships
ruby-dm-core Object/Relational Mapper for Ruby
ruby-dm-do-adapter DataObjects Adapter for DataMapper
ruby-dm-ferret-adapter DataMapper plugin for Ferret
ruby-dm-is-list DataMapper plugin for creating and organizing lists
ruby-dm-is-nested_set DataMapper plugin allowing the creation of nested sets from data models
ruby-dm-is-remixable Allow you to create reusable data functionality
ruby-dm-is-searchable DataMapper plugin for searching
ruby-dm-is-state_machine DataMapper plugin for creating state machines
ruby-dm-is-tree DataMapper plugin allowing the creation of tree structures
ruby-dm-is-versioned DataMapper plugin enabling simple versioning of models
ruby-dm-migrations DataMapper plugin for writing and speccing migrations
ruby-dm-mysql-adapter MySQL Adapter for DataMapper
ruby-dm-observer DataMapper plugin for observing Resources
ruby-dm-postgres-adapter PostgreSQL Adapter for DataMapper
ruby-dm-rails DataMapper for Rubu on Rails
ruby-dm-rest-adapter REST Adapter for DataMapper
ruby-dm-serializer DataMapper plugin for serializing Resources and Collections
ruby-dm-sqlite-adapter Sqlite3 Adapter for DataMapper
ruby-dm-sweatshop DataMapper plugin for building pseudo random models
ruby-dm-tags This package brings tagging to DataMapper
ruby-dm-timestamps DataMapper plugin for magical timestamps
ruby-dm-transactions Adds transaction support to datamapper
ruby-dm-types DataMapper plugin providing extra data types
ruby-dm-validations Library for validations on DM models and pure Ruby object
ruby-dm-yaml-adapter YAML Adapter for DataMapper
ruby-do_mysql MySQL driver for DataObjects
ruby-do_postgres PostgreSQL driver for DataObjects
ruby-do_sqlite3 Implements the DataObjects API for Sqlite3
ruby-gdbm Ruby extension to GDBM library
ruby-hiera Light weight hierarchical data store
ruby-ldap LDAP extension module for Ruby
ruby-mysql Ruby extension for MySQL